Watching television or playing with smart phone apps does not have any effect on children’s language development – providing they still spend time reading, researchers have found.
Seminars, News, Events & Blog - 2017

We (that’s Tomoko Tatsumi, me and Julian Pine) have just published a new paper, and I think everyone who does child language research should read it (or, at least, this summary of it). No surprise…

I was fortunate enough to have just spent the last four weeks working with Professor Elaine Reese at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, all thanks to a LuCiD travel grant. One of the…

I have just completed a LuCiD summer internship at the Lancaster University Babylab, supervised by Dr Katie Twomey, Dr Katie Alcock, and Dr Rebecca Frost. During my 6-week summer internship, I took…

Before speech, babies rely on interactions with their parents to learn about their environment and develop language. The features of these interactions are often studied by researchers and highlighted

Before they begin to talk, infants use gestures, such as pointing and holding out objects, to display their wants and interests to others. However, it is often difficult to determine exactly why…