Painting a more detailed picture of children's early language development
15th July, 14.00-15.00
Prof Julian Pine will give an online talk on children's early language development as part of Pearson Assessment's #SLTLearn online event. The talk will describe how a variety of experimental techniques have been used in recent research to provide a more detailed picture of children’s early language development. Julian will explain how work using preferential looking and pointing has revealed early sensitivity to active and passive word order, and how work using sentence elicitation has revealed areas of strength and weakness in young children’s knowledge of verb morphology and Wh- question formation. He will also suggest some ways in which these techniques could be adapted by language practitioners and used to paint a more detailed picture of the linguistic abilities of individual children. See our practitioner pages for copies of the resources from this talk.
Run by Pearson Assessment, #SLTLearn is the second in their series of Outreach events for 2015. The talks taking place this July are aimed at Speech and Language Therapists and Teachers, and are designed to inform, engage and offer CPD and networking opportunities online.