Elena Lieven
Emeritus Professor (Alumni)
A bit about Elena Lieven
I did my undergraduate degree and PhD on individual differences in early language development in the Department of Psychology at the University of Cambridge. I came to Manchester in 1979. During my years at Manchester I developed close research links with members of the Department of Psychology in the University of California, Berkeley and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics at Nijmegen and spent parts of my sabbatical leave in both places. I was Editor of the Journal of Child Language from 1996 - 2005. In 1998 I was granted long-term unpaid leave to work as a Senior Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. This funded the Max Planck Child Study Centre from 1998-2014 which was set up in the Manchester Department when I moved to Leipzig. In 2012, I moved back to work full time at the University of Manchester. In 2018, I was elected as a Fellow of the British Academy.
My principal areas of research are: The emergence and construction of grammar; The relationship between input characteristics and the process of language development; and variation in children’s communicative and linguistic environments.
My Role in LuCiD
I was the Director of LuCiD phase 1. I led the Variation theme, which explored how children adapt to cross-linguistic and socio-cultural variation. I also led two of LuCiD’s research projects. The first looked at how children develop verb endings in Polish, Finnish and Chintang (a Nepali language). The other project explored how children learn to manipulate word order, cross-linguistically, for communicative ends.
LuCiD publications (100) by Elena Lieven
Lemen, H. C. P., Lieven, E. V. M., & Theakston, A. L. (2024). The influence of pragmatic function on children's comprehension of complex because- and if-sentences Frontiers in Language Sciences
Zhang, S., Junge, B., Lieven, E., Brandt, S., & Theakston, A. (2023). The Competition Between Processing and Discourse-Pragmatic Factors in Children's and Adults' Production of Adverbial When-Clauses Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Bell, K., Brandt, S., Lieven, E., & Theakston, A. (2023). The acquisition of English modal constructions: A corpus-based analysis Journal of Child Language, 1-38.
Kidd, L., & Rowland, C. F. (2021). The effect of language-focused professional development on the knowledge and behaviour of preschool practitioners Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 21(1), 27-59.
De Ruiter, L., Lieven, E. V. M., Brandt, S., & Theakston, A. (2020). Interactions between givenness and clause order in children's processing of complex sentences Cognition 198, 104130.
De Ruiter, L., Lemen, H., Lieven, E. V. M., Brandt, S., & Theakston, A. (2021). Structural and interactional aspects of adverbial sentences in English mother-child interactions: an analysis of two dense corpora Journal of Child Language, 48, 1150–1184.
Lemen, H., Lieven, E. V. M., & Theakston, A. (2021). A comparison of the pragmatic patterns in the spontaneous because- and if-sentences produced by children and their caregivers Journal of Pragmatics, 185,15-34.
Vihman, V-A., Engelmann, F., Lieven, E. V. M., & Theakston, A. (2021). Many ways to decline a noun: Elicitation of children’s novel noun inflection in Estonian Language and Cognition, 13(4), 693.
Lieven, E., Ferry, A., Theakston, K., & Twomey, K. E. (2020). Similarity, analogy and development in radical exemplar theory: A commentary on Ambridge (2020) First Language, Vol. 40(5-6) 600–603.
MacDonald R, Brandt S, Theakston A, Lieven E, Serratrice L. (2020). The role of animacy in children’s interpretation of relative clauses in English: Evidence from sentence-picture matching and eye movements. Cognitive Science, 44
Cameron-Faulkner, T., Malik, N., Steele, C., Coretta, S., Serratrice, L. & Lieven, E. V. M. (in press) (2020). A cross cultural analysis of early prelinguistic gesture development and its relationship to language development. Child Development.
Bell, K., Brandt, S., Lieven, E. & Theakston, A. (2019). Does caregiver input influence children’s acquisition of modality? Poster presented at the Child Language Symposium, Sheffield, UK.
Theakston, A., Bell, K., Lemen, H., Brandt, S., & Lieven, E. (2019). Form-meaning relations in acquisition: the case of polysemous constructions. Paper presented at the Societas Linguistica Europaea 52nd Annual Meeting, Leipzig, Germany.
Graf, E., Theakston, A., Freudenthal, D. & Lieven, E. (2019). The subject-object asymmetry revisited: Experimental and computational approaches to the role of information structure in children’s argument omissions. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems.
Lieven, E., Stoll, S. (2013). Early communicative development in two cultures: A comparison of the communicative environments of children from two cultures. Human Development, 56(3), 178-206.
Junge, B., Theakston, A., Lieven, E. (2015). Given-new/new-given? Children's sensitivity to the ordering of information in complex sentences. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(3), 589-612.
Thomaz, A., Lieven, E., Cakmak, M., Chai, J., Garrod, S., Gray, W., Levinson, S, Paiva, A., (2018). Interaction for Task Instruction and Learning. In: Interactive Task Learning: Agents, Robots, and Humans Acquiring New Tasks through Natural Interactions . K. Gluck, J. Laird (Eds.)Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 26, J. R. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Lieven, E. (2019). Input, interaction and learning in early language development. In. Grover, V., Uccelli, P., Rowe, M., Lieven, E. (Eds.) Learning through Language: Towards an Educationally informed Theory of Language Learning, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19-30.
List, C., Ambridge, B., Lieven, E. v. M., & Pine, J. M. (2018). A comparison study on verb-marking errors from German and English children with Developmental Language Disorder and language-matched controls. Paper presented at the Conference on Developmental Language Disorders, Madrid, Spain.
Stoll, S., & Lieven, E. (2014). Studying language acquisition crosslinguistically. In Winskel, H., & Padakannaya, P. (Eds,), Handbook of Asian and Southeast Asian Psycholinguistics (pp 19 -35). Cambridge: CUP.
Lieven, E. (2014). First language learning from a usage-based approach. In Herbst, T., Schmid, H. J., & Faulhaber, S. (Eds.) Constructions, Collocations, Patterns (pp. 9 - 32). Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton.
De Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Lieven, E., Hilton, M., Brandt, S. (2018). Is before easier than after in German too? Testing the relative influence of iconicity, ambiguity, and language-specific frequencies on the processing of adverbial sentences in German. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 43) Boston, MA, USA.
De Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Brandt, S., Lieven, E. (2017). The role of input frequency and semantics in English - speaking 3-5 year olds' comprehension of clause order in complex sentences. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC14) Tartu, Estonia.
Macdonald, R. G., Serratrice, L., Brandt, S., Lieven, E, & Theakston, A. (2017). The influence of animacy on children’s online processing of restrictive relative clauses. Paper presented at the 3rd Annual LuCiD Language and Communication Development Conference, Lancaster, UK.
Köymen, B., Lieven, E. (2017). Preschoolers' use of questions in their joint decisions with peers. In Social Environment and Congnition in Language Development: Studies in honour of Ayhan Aksu-Koç (Ed. F. Nihan Ketrez, A. Küntay, Ş. Özçalışkan & A. Özyürek), Trends in language acquisition research, 85-98.
Lieven, E. (2017). Is language development dependent on early communicative development? In Dependencies in language: On the causal ontology of linguistic systems. (Ed. N. Enfield), Language Science Press, Berlin, 85-96.
De Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Brandt, S., & Lieven, E. (2016). Temporal, causal and conditional sentences in English child-directed speech. (1) Presentation at Complexity workshop (AG4) at the 38th DGfS meeting, Konstanz, Germany.
Noble, C., Cameron-Faulkner, T., Lieven, E. (2017). Keeping it simple: The grammatical properties of hsared book reading. Journal of Child Language, 45(3), 753-766.
Quick, A., Lieven, E., Carpenter, M., Tomasello, M. (2017). Identifying partially schematic units in the code-mixing of an English and German speaking child. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 8(4), 477-501.
Engelmann, F., Kolak, J., Vihman, V., Granlund, S., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A., (2018). How the input shapes the acquisition of inflectional morphology: Modelling across three highly inflected languages. 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA.
Engelmann, F., Kolak, J., Vihman, V., Granlund, S., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A., Lieven, E. (2018). How the input shapes the acquisition of inflectional morphology: Computational modelling across three highly inflected languages. In Proceedings of the 24th AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing, Berlin, Germany.
Engelmann, F., Kolak, J., Vihman, V., Granlund, S., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A., Lieven, E. (2018). How the input shapes the acquisition of verb and noun morphology: neural network modelling across three highly inflected languages. Paper presented at Learning Language in Humans and in Machines (L2HM) Workshop Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.
Sassenhagen, J., Blything, R., Lieven, E., Ambridge, B. (2018). Frequency sensitivity of neural responses to English verb argument structure violations. Collabra: Psychology, 4(1), 38.
Kołak, J., Granlund, S., Vihman, V., Engelmann, F., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2018). Acquisition of noun inflection in three languages: The role of input frequency and linguistic complexity. Poster presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
MacDonald, R. G, Serratrice, L., Brandt, S., Lieven, E., & Theakston, A. (2017). The effect of animacy on children's online processing of relative clauses. Paper presented at Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLap), Lancaster, UK.
MacDonald, R. G., Serratrice, L., Brandt, S., Theakston, A., & Lieven, E. (2017). Animacy and children's online processing of restrictive relative clauses. Paper presented at the European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), Wuppertal, Germany.
Theakston, A., Lieven, E. (2016). What's the story? Stockport Early Years Improvement Team Annual Conference
List, C., Lieven, E., Ambridge, B. & Pine, J. M., (2017). Testing two different models of verb-marking error in children with Developmental Language Disorder and language-matched controls. (1) Poster presented at the Many Paths to Language (MPaL) workshop, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
List, C., Ambridge, B., Lieven, E. & Pine, J. M. (2017). Testing two different models of verb-marking error in children with Developmental Language Disorder and language-matched controls. Paper presented at the 3rd annual LuCiD conference, Lancaster, UK.
Krajewski, G., Lieven, E. (2014). Competing cues in early syntactic development. In Competing motivations in grammar and usage (eds. B. MacWhinney, A. Malchukov & E. Moravcsik), Oxford Scholarship Online.
Lieven, E. (2014). First language development: a usage-based perspective on past and current research. Journal of Child Language, 41(1), 48-63.
Ibbotson, P., Lieven, E., Tomasello, M. (2014). The communicative contexts of grammatical aspect use in English. Journal of Child Language 41(3), 705-23.
Schmerse, D., Lieven, E., Tomasello, M. (2014). Discourse particles and belief reasoning: The case of German doch. Journal of Semantics 31(1), 115-133.
Dittmar, M., Abbot-Smith, K., Lieven, E., Tomasello, M. (2014). Familiar verbs are not always easier than novel verbs: How German pre-school children comprehend active and passive sentences. Cognitive Science 38(1), 128-151.
Austin, K., Theakston, A., Lieven, E., tomasello, M. (2014). Young children's understanding of denial. Developmental Psychology 50(8), 2061-2070.
Koymen, B., Schmerse, D., Lieven, E., Tomasello, M. (2014). Young children create partner-specific referential pacts with peers. Developmental Psychology, 50(10), 2334-2342.
Graf, E., Theakston, A., Lieven, E., Tomasello, M. (2014). Subject and object omission in children's eaely transitive constructions: A discourse-pragmatic approach. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(3), 701-727.
Grunloh, T., Lieven, E., Tomasello, M. (2014). Young children's intonational marking of new, given and contrastive referents. Language Learning and Development 11(2), 95-127.
Koymen, B., Lieven, E., Engemann, D., Rakoczy, H., Warneken, F., Tomasello, M. (2014). Children's norm enforcement in their interactions with their peers. Child Development 85(3), 1108-1122.
Ambridge, B., Noble, C., Lieven, E. (2014). The semantics of the transitive causative construction: Evidence from a forced-choice pointing study with adults and children. Cognitive Linguistics 25(2) p.293-311.
Blything, R.P., Ambridge, B., & Lieven, E.V.M. (2017). Children's acquisition of the English past-Tense: Evidence for a single-route account from novel verb production data. Cognitive Science, 42 (Suppl 2), 621–639. doi:10.1111/cogs.12581
Granlund, S., Kolak, J., Vihman, V., Engelmann, F., Lieven, E., Pine, J., Theakston, A., & Ambridge, B. (2019). Language-general and language-specific phenomena in the acquisition of inflectional noun morphology: A cross-linguistic elicited-production study of Polish, Finnish and Estonian. Journal of Memory and Language, 107, 169-194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jml.2019.04.004
Engelmann, F., Granlund, S., Kolak, J., Szreder, M., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A., and Lieven, E. (2019). How the input shapes the acquisition of verb morphology: Elicited production and computational modelling in two highly inflected languages. Cognitive Pscyhology, 110, 30-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogpsych.2019.02.001
Vihman, V., Lieven, E. & Theakston, A. (2015). Practice with pronouns: Acquisition of differential object case-marking in Estonian. Paper presented at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) annual conference, London, UK.
Virve Vihman, Felix Engelmann, Anna Theakston & Elena Lieven. (2016). Variability in the input: Acquisition of Differential Object Marking in Estonian. Paper presented at the International Workshop on The Acquisition of Differential Object Marking, France.
Anna Theakston & Stacey McKnight & Elena Lieven. (2015). My do it! Explanations for children’s case marking errors in English. Invited Syposium at the Developmental Section conference of the British Psychological Society, Manchester, UK
Virve Vihman, Elena Lieven, & Anna Theakston. (2015). Something from nothing: What do children learn from omitted arguments in the input? Paper presented at the Child Language Symposium, Warwick, UK
Vihman, V., Lieven, E., & Theakston, A. (2015). Practice with pronouns: acquisition of differential object case-marking. Poster presented at Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, USA.
Lieven, Elena (2016). The science behind how children learn to talk and why it matters. Invited talk presented at the Faculty of Education, Leipzig University
MacDonald, R., Brandt, S., Theakston, A., Lieven, E. & Serratrice, L. (2018). Animacy and children's processing of subject and object relative clauses. Poster presented at the Child Language Symposium, Reading, UK
de Ruiter, L., Lieven, E., Brandt, S., Hargreaves, S., & Theakston, A. (2018). Improving 5-year-olds' comprehension of adverbial sentences: a classroom based training study. Poster presented at the Child Language Symposium, Reading, UK
de Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Lieven, E., & Brandt, S. (2017). “You say ‘before’, I say ‘bevor”’ Testing the relative influence of iconicity, ambiguity, and language-specific frequencies on the processing of complex sentences in English and German. Paper presented at the Many Paths to Language workshop, October 6-8, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
de Ruiter, L., Lieven, E., Brandt S. & Theakston, A. (2017). The role of information structure in children’s comprehension of complex sentences –testing two hypotheses. Paper presented at The 23rd Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing Conference (AMLaP), September 7-9, Lancaster, UK
de Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Brandt, S. & Lieven, E. (2017). The relationship between parental input and children’s spontaneous use of adverbial clauses containing after, before, because, and if. Paper presented at the 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), July 17-21, Lyon, France.
De Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Brandt, S. & Lieven, E. (2017). Effects of clause order and connective type on children’s and adults’ processing of complex sentences. Poster presented at the 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing (CUNY 2017) March 30–April 1, Cambridge, MA, USA
de Ruiter, L., Brandt, S., Lieven, E. & Theakston, A. (2017). The role of information structure in children’s comprehension of complex sentences – testing two hypotheses. Paper presented at the 3rd LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference, July 7th, Lancaster, UK
de Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Brandt, S. & Lieven, E. (2016). “You’ve always got to wash your hands before you eat food” - The role of the input in children’s acquisition of adverbial clauses in complex sentences. Paper presented at the 2nd LuCiD Language and Communicative Development conference, Manchester.
de Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Brandt, S. & Lieven, E. (2016). Additional complexity in complex sentences in child-directed speech. In T. Tenbrink (Ed.) Proceedings of the UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference, p.29.
de Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Brandt, S. & Lieven, E. (2016). Temporal, causal and conditional sentences in English child-directed speech. Paper presented at “Sentence complexity at the boundary of grammatical theory and processing: A special challenge for language acquisition” Workshop (AG4) at the 38th Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society (DGfS), Konstanz
Buckle, L., Lieven, E. and Theakston, A. (2017). The Effects of Animacy and Syntax on Priming: A Developmental Study. Front. Psychol., 20 December 2017. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02246
de Ruiter, L., Theakston, A., Brandt, S., Lieven, E. (2017). Iconicity affects children’s comprehension of complex sentences: the role of semantics, clause order, input and individual differences. Cognition, 143, 61-76.
Engelmann, F., Granlund, S., Kolak, J., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). Cross-linguistic acquisition of complex verb inflection in a neural network model. (1) Paper presented at The 3rd LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference, Lancaster, UK.
Granlund, S., Kolak, J., Szreder, M., Engelmann, F., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). Predicting errors in children’s production of verb morphology: evidence from person/number marking in Finnish and Polish. (1) Paper presented at The 3rd LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference, Lancaster, UK.
Engelmann, F., Kolak, J., Granlund, S., Szreder, M., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). The acquisition of verb inflection in a connectionist model. Paper presented at the 14th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Lyon, France.
Granlund, S., Kolak, J., Szreder, M., Engelmann, F., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). Predicting errors in children’s production of verb morphology: evidence from person/number marking in Finnish and Polish. Paper presented at the 14th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL), Lyon, France.
Engelmann, F., Kolak, J., Granlund, S., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). The acquisition of complex verb morphology in Finnish and Polish: model and experiment. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, London, UK.
Engelmann, F., Granlund, S., Kolak, J., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E (2017). Cross-linguistic acquisition of complex verb inflection in a connectionist model. Poster presented at Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP), Lancaster, UK.
Granlund, S., Kolak, J., Vihman, V., Engelmann, F., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). Acquisition of noun case marking in morphologically complex languages. Poster presented at Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing (AMLaP), Lancaster, UK.
Engelmann, F., Kolak, J., Granlund, S., Szreder, M., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). The acquisition of Polish and Finnish verb inflection in a connectionist model. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Zurich, Switzerland.
Kolak, J., Granlund, S., Vihman, V., Engelmann, F., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). An experimental study on the acquisition of noun case marking in Estonian, Finnish and Polish. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Zurich, Switzerland.
Engelmann, F., Granlund, S., Kolak, J., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). Cross-linguistic acquisition of complex verb inflection in a neural network model. Paper presented at the Many Paths to Language (MPaL) workshop, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Kolak, J., Granlund, S., Vihman, V., Engelmann, F., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A. & Lieven, E. (2017). An experimental study on the acquisition of nominal case marking in Estonian, Finnish and Polish. Poster presented at the Many Paths to Language (MPaL) workshop, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Lieven, E. (2017). The influence of children’s communicative environments. Talk presented at the Talk to your baby conference. London, UK
Theakston, A. and Lieven, E. (2017). Multiunit Sequences in First Language Acquisition. Topics in Cognitive Science. doi:10.1111/tops.12268
Kirjavainen, M., Lieven, E. V. M. and Theakston, A. L. (2016). Can Infinitival to Omissions and Provisions Be Primed? An Experimental Investigation Into the Role of Constructional Competition in Infinitival to Omission Errors Cognitive Science. doi:10.1111/cogs.12407
Lieven, E. (2016). Usage-based approaches to language development: Where do we go from here? Language and Cognition, 8(3), pp. 346–368
Engelmann, F., Szreder, M., Kolak, J., Granlund, S., Ambridge, B., Pine, J., Theakston, A., & Lieven, E. (2016). Modelling the acquisition of Polish verb inflection. Paper presented at the the 2nd LuCiD Language and Communicative Development Conference, Manchester, UK.
Schmerse, D., Lieven, E. and Tomasello, M. (2015). Young children use shared experience to interpret definite reference. Journal of Child Language, 42(5), pp. 1146–1157.
Lieven, E. and Theakston, A. (2016). What’s difficult about having conversations and telling stories? Talk presented at Stockport Early Years Improvement Team Annual Conference, Stockport, UK.
Koymen, B., Lieven, E., Brandt, S. (2015). Syntactic and semantic coordination in finite complement-clause constructions: a diary-based case study Journal of Child Language 43, 1, 22-42
Cameron-Faulkner, T., Theakston, A., Lieven, E., Tomasello, M. (2015). The Relationship Between Infant Holdout and Gives, and Pointing Infancy, 20, 5, 576-586
Blything, R., Ambridge, B., Lieven, E. (2015). Children Use Statistics and Semantics in the Retreat from Overgeneralization PLoS ONE, 9, 10
Ambridge, B., Lieven, E., (2015). A Constructivist Account of Child Language Acquisition In The Handbook of Language Emergence, (eds B. MacWhinney and W. O'Grady), John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, NJ, USA. pp478-510
Brandt, S., Buttelmann, D., Lieven, E., & Tomasello, M. (2016). Children’s understanding of first- and third-person perspectives in complement clauses and false-belief tasks. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.
Brandt, S., Lieven, E., & Tomasello, M. (2015). German children’s Use of Word Order and Case Marking to Interpret Simple and Complex Sentences: Testing Differences Between Constructions and Lexical Items, Language Learning and Development DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2015.1052448
Lieven, E. (2015). Other cultures, other languages. Talk given 8 November, Manchester Museum.
Lieven, E. (2015). Dog eats man. Nursery World Magazine, 19 October, 21-24.
Ambridge, B., Pine, J. M., & Lieven, E. V. M. (2015). Explanatory adequacy is not enough: Response to commentators on 'Child language acquisition: Why universal grammar doesn't help. Language: Perspectives, 91(3): E116-126
Noble, C., Lieven, E., Iqbal, F. & Theakston, A (2015). Converging and competing cues in the acquisition of syntactic structures: the conjoined agent intransitive. Journal of Child Language. doi: 10.1017/S0305000915000288
Theakston, A., Ibbotson, P., Freudenthal, D., Lieven, E. and Tomasello, M. (2015). Productivity of Noun Slots in Verb Frames. Cognitive Science, 39 (6), 1369-1395.