Vincent Reid
Professor (Alumni)
Lancaster University
A bit about Vincent Reid
After completing my undergraduate and master’s degrees at the University of Auckland in the 1990s, I gained my Ph.D. from the University of London in 2004 under the supervision of Jay Belsky and Mark Johnson. My postdoctoral period was with Tricia Striano at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, and then the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, as well as the University of Leipzig. I became a Lecturer at Durham University in 2006. In 2012 I joined Lancaster University as a Senior Lecturer in Developmental Neuroscience and I was later promoted to Reader and then Professor. I am now the Head of Psychology at the University of Waikato, New Zealand.
My interests are primarily focussed on social development during infancy. As it is impossible to understand social development in isolation, my work has incorporated basic elements of perceptual, motor and cognitive development. I also have a keen interest in improving the methods that developmental psychologists use as they can often be surprisingly lacking in robustness. I have a focus on EEG techniques in the majority of my work, although I have used a number of behavioural techniques and developed interventions. Recently I have also been investigating the utility of experimental paradigms with fetal participants, which is technically challenging but may allow us to produce new ways of understanding early development.
My Role in LuCiD
I led for Work Package 3 in phase 1, working with Eugenio Parise and Louah Sirri. With Eugenio, I also supervised Christian Kliisch as part of this work package, with Anna Theakston complementing our supervisory team with much needed psycholinguistic input.
LuCiD publications (41) by Vincent Reid
Jackson, I. R., Parise, E., Reid, V., & Theakston, A. (2017). How is infants’ attention distributed between agent and patient in causal events? Third biennial Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD), Bilbao, Spain.
Sirri, L., Reid, V., Parise, E. (2018). The effect of words and sounds on conceptual representations for preverbal infants. Poster presented at the 21st biennial meeting of the International Conference of Infant Studies, Philadelphia, USA.
Sirri, L., Parise, E., Reid, V. (2018). Infant-directed-speech enhances neural activity during face perception. Poster presented at the 21st biennial meeting of the International Conference of Infant Studies, Philadelphia, USA.
Kliesch, C., Hoehl, S., Reid, V., Parise, E. (2019). Ostensive signals contribute to the segmentation of actions in toddlers. Poster presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development (BCCCD19), Budapest, Hungary.
Sirri, l., Linnert, S., Reid, V., Parise, E. (2019). The effect of Infant Directed Speech on face processing in 4-month-old infants. oster presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development (BCCCD19), Budapest, Hungary.
Kaduk, K., Bakker, M., Juvrud, J., Gredebäck, G., Westermann, G., Lunn, J., & Reid, V. M. (2016). Semantic processing of actions at 9 months is linked to language proficiency at 9 and 18 months. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 151, 96-108.
Kliesch, C., Reid, V., Theakston, A., Parise, E. (2018). Ostensive-referential communication modulates action interpretation at 9 months. Poster presented at the 21st biennial meeting of the International Congress of Infant Studies, Philadelphia, USA.
Dunn, K., Donovan, T., Reid, V. (2018). Using postnatal methodologies to index behavioural and physiological response to social stimuli in utero. ICIS Biennial Congress, Philadelphia, USA.
Reid, V., Dunn, K., Young, R., Donovan, T., Reissland, N. (2018). Exploring the utility of light based visual stimuli and experimental paradigms in the third trimester fetus. ICIS Biennial Congress, Philadelphia, USA.
Kaduk, K., Dunn,K., Reid, V. (2018). The trajectory of semantic representation: From encoding to consolidation - and interplay of N400 and alpha desynchronization. ICIS Biennial Congress Philadelphia, USA.
Sirri, L., & Rämä, P. (2014). SOA-dependent N400 priming effect in 18-month-old monolingual children. Poster presented at the XIX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Berlin, Germany.
Reid, V., Dunn, K., Young, R. (2018). Response to Scheel et al. Current Biology, 28(10), 596-597.
Michel, C., Stets, M., Parise, E., Reid, V.M., Striano, T., Hoehl, S. (2013). Oscillatory brain activity in reaction to object-directed and object-averted gazes in infants. Poster presented at the joint meeting of FESN - European Society of Neuropsychology and GNP German Society of Neuropsychology, Berlin, Germany.
Linnert, S., Parise, E., Toth, B., Kiraly, I., Reid, V. (2014). Alpha-band oscillations in infants related to memory processes. Poster presented at the BCCCD - Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Parise, E., Csibra, G., Reid, V. (2014). Lables and pictures co-refer to object categories in adults and 9-month-old infants. Paper presented at the Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
Parise, E., Csibra, G., Reid, V. (2014). Infant directed speech and direct eye contact share common neural basis in 5-month-old infants. (1) Poster presented at DUCOG - Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Development, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Parise, E., Csibra, G., & Reid, V. (2014). Neural responses to multimodal ostensive signals in 5-month-old infants. Poster presented at the ICIS – International Conference on Infancy Studies Biennial Meeting, Berlin, Germany
Parise, E., Csibra, G., & Reid, V. (2015). Infant directed speech and direct eye contact share common neural basis in 5-month-old infants. Poster presented at the SRCD – Society for Research in Child Development - Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Parise, E., Volein, A., Csibra, G., Reid, V. (2015). Ostensive-referential communication fosters the interpretation of pictures of objects as symbols of their own kind in 9-month old infants. Poster presented at the DUCOG - Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Development, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Kaduk, K., Bakker, M., Juvrud, J., Gredeback, G., Westermann, G., Lunn, J., & Reid, V. (2016). Relationships between the detection of actions with unexpected outcomes at 9 months and language production at 18 months. Paper presented at the XX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Michel, C., Kaduk, K., Ni Choisdealbha, A., & Reid, V. (2016). Event-related potentials discriminate familiar and unusual goal outcomes in 5-month-olds and adults. Paper presented at the XX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Gerson, S., Ni Choisdealbha, A., Reid, V., & Hunnius, S. (2016). Integration of contextual information on neural measure of action perception dependent on action planning ability at 10 months. Paper presented at the XX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Dominguez-Martinez, E., Parise, E., Monroy, C., Reid, V. (2016). Gaze-contingent techniques increase infant attention during ERP studies. Poster presented at the XX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Dominguez-Martinez, E., Portoles. O.M., Reid, V. (2016). Some variability in infant ERPs may be due to the data editing process. Poster presented at the XX Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Sirri, L., Reid, V., & Parise, E. (2017). The effect of labels and associated sounds on object recognition. Poster presented at the 2nd Lancaster Conference on Infant and early Child Development, Lancaster, UK.
Dunn, K., Reissland, N. N., & Reid, V. M. (2015). The functional fetal brain: A review of methodological factors in reporting fetal visual and auditory capacity. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 13, 43-52.
Reid, V., Dunn, K. (2015). The development of brain mechanisms for social attention in humans. In The many faces of social attention: Behavioural and neural measures (eds. A. Puce, B. Bertenhal) Springer. p.67-91.
Hoehl, S., Michel, C., Reid, V., Parise, E., Striano, T. (2014). Eye contact during live social interaction modulates infants' oscillatory brain activity. Social Neuroscience 9(3), 300-308.
Choisdealbha, A., Reid, V. (2014). The developmental cognitive neuroscience of action: semantics, motor resonance and social processing. Experimental Brain Research 232(6), 1585-1597.
Gredeback, G., Kaduk, K., Bakker, M., Gottwald, J., Ekberg, T., Elsner, C., Reid, V., Kenward, B. (2015). The neuropsychology of infant’s pro-social preferences. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (12) 106-13.
Dunn, K., Reissland, N., Reid, V. (2015). The functional foetal brain: A systematic preview of methodological factors in reporting foetal visual and auditory capacity. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 13, 43-52.
Sirri, L., Reid, V., & Parise, E. (2016). The evocative power of words for 9-month-old infants. Poster presented at the Lancaster Conference on Infant and early Child Development. 25-27 August, Lancaster, UK.
Kliesch, C., Reid, V.M., Theakston, A.L., Parise, E. (2017). Anticipation of familiar, unexpected and novel actions in ostensive and non- ostensive contexts in 7-month-old infants. Poster presented at the Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, August 22– 25, 2017, Lancaster, UK.
Kliesch, C., Reid, V. M., Theakston, A., Parise, E. (2016). Infants' understanding and learning of expected, unexpected and novel actions in pedagogical and non-pedagogical contexts. Presented at the LuCiD Mini Conference, Manchester, UK.
Iain Jackson, Anna Theakston, Eugenio Parise and Vincent Reid (2016). Agents, patients, and actions: What is encoded in 12-month-olds’ perceptions of dynamic events? Poster presented at the Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development, Lancaster, UK
Kliesch, C., Reid, V. M., Theakston, A., Parise, E. (2016). Infants’ understanding of teleological actions after ostensive communication. (1) Budapest Summer School on Memory and Metarepresentation, Budapest, HU
Kliesch, C., Reid, V. M., Theakston, A., Parise, E. (2016). Infants’ understanding of teleological actions after ostensive communication. Lancaster Conference on Child Development, Lancaster, UK
Reid, V.M., Lunn, J., & Kaduk, K. (in press) (2018). Links between action perception and action production in 10-week-old infants. Neuropsychologia
Ní Choisdealbha, Á., Westermann, G., Dunn, K. and Reid, V. (2016). Dissociating associative and motor aspects of action understanding: Processing of dual-ended tools by 16-month-old infants. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 34: 115–131.
Michel, C., Stets, M., Parise, E., Reid, V. M., Striano, T., and Hoehl, S. (2015). Theta- and alpha-band EEG activity in response to eye gaze cues in early infancy. NeuroImage 118, 576-583
Domínguez-Martínez E, Parise E, Strandvall T, Reid VM (2015). The Fixation Distance to the Stimulus Influences ERP Quality: An EEG and Eye Tracking N400 Study. PLoS ONE 10(7).