Free advice sessions to support teaching children with Down syndrome at home
Dr Kelly Burgoyne (University of Manchester) hosted a series of free online advice sessions with a group of UK experts to support parents and practitioners educating students with Down syndrome at home and/or in school during the coronavirus pandemic.
The sessions were held in June 2020 and covered a range of topics from promoting language learning to developing number and maths skills. Three of the four recordings are still available and can be accessed below.
Session 1: Supporting Literacy Development, Dr Kelly Burgoyne
Session 2: Promoting Language Learning, Rebecca Baxter
Session 3: Preschool Intervention: Early Language and Communication, Professor Vesna Stojanovik - please note that we are no longer able to provide access to this recording
Session 4: Developing Number and Maths Skills, Dr Jo Van Herwegen
Kelly also recently published an article on Down's syndrome: Language development and intervention for the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapist's practitioner magazine, Bulletin. The article is available to read (FREE) here.