Outputs Database

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Showing 61 to 72 of 556

McCauley, S.M., Bannard, C., Theakston, A., Davis, M., Cameron-Faulkner, T., & Ambridge, B. (2021). Multiword units lead to errors of commission in children's spontaneous production: “What corpus data can tell us? Developmental Science, 24: e13125.

Ambridge, B. (2021). A Computational Simulation of Children’s Language Acquisition 3rd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2021).

Tatsumi, T., Chang, F. & Pine, J. M. (2021). Exploring the acquisition of verb inflections in Japanese: A probabilistic analysis of seven adult-child corpora. First Language. 41(1), 41-66.

Aryawibawa, I.N., Qomariana, Y., Artawa,K., & Ambridge, B. (2021). Direct Versus Indirect Causation as a Semantic Linguistic Universal: Using a Computational Model of English, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, and K'iche’ Mayan to Predict Grammaticality Judgments in Balinese Cognitive Science, 45: e12974.

Liu, L. & Ambridge, B. (2021). Balancing information-structure and semantic constraints on construction choice: building a computational model of passive and passive-like constructions in Mandarin Chinese Cognitive Linguistics, 32(3): 349–388.

Ambridge, B., Bidgood, A., & Thomas, K. (2020). Disentangling syntactic, semantic and pragmatic impairments in ASD: Elicited production of passive Journal of Child Language (2021), 48, 184–201.

Ambridge, B. (2021). Language Development Research Editorial: Why do we need another journal? Language Development Research

Ambridge, B., Maitreyee, R., Tatsumi, T., Doherty, L., Zicherman, S., Pedro, P. M., . . . Mendoza, M. J. (2020). The crosslinguistic acquisition of sentence structure: Computational modeling and grammaticality judgments from adult and child speakers of English, Japanese, Hindi, Hebrew and K'iche' Cognition, 202.

Bidgood, A., Pine, J., Rowland, C., Sala, G., Freudenthal, D. & Ambridge, B. (2021). Verb argument structure overgeneralisations for the English intransitive and transitive constructions: Grammaticality judgments and production priming. Language and Cognition Language and Cognition 13, 397–437.

Ambridge, B. (2020). Against stored abstractions: A radical exemplar model of language acquisition First Language, Vol. 40(5-6) 509–559

Ambridge, B. (2020). Abstractions made of exemplars or ‘You’re all right, and I’ve changed my mind’: Response to commentators First Language, Vol. 40(5-6) 640–659

Boeg Thomsen, D., Theakston, A., Kandemirci, B., & Brandt, S. (2021). Do complement clauses really support false-belief reasoning? A longitudinal study with English-speaking 2- to 3-year-olds Developmental Psychology, 57(8), 1210-1227